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UE «Grodnooblgas»

The Production Republican Unitary Enterprise «Grodnooblgas» is a part of State-Owned Production Association ‘Beltopgas’ that is part of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus.

The main aim is a safe and uninterrupted supply of natural and liquefied gas to consumers of the Grodno region. At all stages of work, we must ensure the highest quality and safety.

Starting gasification of the region from gas LPG plants, our company in a short historical period has grown into a diversified company performing the full range of work related to gasification, gas supply, design and construction, diagnostics and quality control of gas supply systems.

The established production bases of our divisions, a systematic approach and the efforts of our specialists and workers created the conditions under which, in the Grodno region, the first in the republic, by the end of 1997 natural gas was supplied to each regional center, and in 2008 natural gas was supplied in urban areas.

UE «Grodnooblgas» is:
  • 2289 employees
  • 5 branches
  • 13 gas supply districts
  • 1 gas filling station
  • Agricultural Production Department «Protasovshchina».

Natural gas is supplied to all cities, district centers and urban settlements of the region. Intensive development of gas supply in rural areas allowed gasifying 194 of 593 agro-towns of the region.

At the service of the enterprise are:
  • 9 252,2 km of gas pipelines of different pressure
  • 421 313 thousand gasified apartments
  • 326 gas control points (GCP)
  • 996  Cabinet Gas Control Points (CGCP)
  • 619 cathodic protection stations.

An extensive gas supply system allows the gasification of agro-towns with natural gas, to carry out ahead of time the program of gasification of the housing stock in rural areas, determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko and the government.

The company has a highly professional team - a team of like-minded people for whom there are no unsolvable tasks.

Continuous improvement of their professional skills, obtaining new knowledge and studying modern technologies is the only way to date, which allows them to fully perform complex operational tasks, constantly maintaining a steady dynamic of moving forward.

Уважаемый потребитель газа, сообщаем, что в настоящее время проводится переход начисления платы за услугу газоснабжения в общереспубликанскую систему начислений жилищно-коммунальных услуг АИС «Расчет ЖКУ». Переход на новую ветку ЕРИП изменил последовательность и порядок действий при осуществлении оплаты через систему ЕРИП

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